Program > Program RFIAP


Invited Speaker 1 (Juliette Sénéchal) 9:15 - 10:15

AI Alignment Through EU AI Act

The launch of Chat GPT, a general-purpose generative AI system, on the global market in November 2022 has led to a proliferation of reflections on the new risks posed to humans by artificial intelligence systems. In particular, these reflections have highlighted the fact that generative AI, as a substitute for human language and human creativity, runs the risk of exposing humans to forms of cultural uniformisation and disinformation by deepfakes, undermining the ability of humans to compose a society and to adapt themselves to the constraints of their territory. In the context of these reflections, it is possible to observe a proliferation of soft and hard norms emanating from companies, governments on different continents, supranational organisations, researchers, etc., aimed at bringing AI systems into alignment with human values. This proliferation of norms raises three questions: what human values should be protected at a time when generative AI is taking a technological leap forward? What types of norms should be prioritised to implement this protection effectively: ethical norms, legal acts, technical standardisation? What territorial scope should these norms have? This contribution will study the normative approaches proposed by the future European regulation on artificial intelligence (the AI Act) in order to address these questions.

Session 1 (Computer vision) 10:45 - 12:00

Chair: Emilie Poisson Caillault

TitleAuthorsPresentation length
On camera model conversions

Guillaume Caron (Universite de Picardie Jules Verne), Maxime Lhuillier (CNRS)

15 min
MagHT: A Magnetic Hough Transform for Fast Indoor Place Recognition Iad Abdul Raouf (CEA List) 15 min
Réseau neuronal informé par la physique pour l'analyse cinématique 3D du mouvement d'un projectile. Application au Tennis de Table Zaineb Chiha (La Rochelle university)*, Renaud Peteri (MIA), Laurent  Mascarilla (Univ. La Rochelle) 15 min
RoCNet++ : Triangle-based descriptor for accurate and robust point cloud registration Karim Slimani (Institut des systèmes intelligents et de robotique)*, Brahim Tamadazte (Institut des systèmes intelligents et de robotique), Catherine Achard (Institut des systèmes intelligents et de robotique) 15 min
Are Semi-Dense Detector-Free Methods Good at Matching Local Features? Matthieu Vilain (IMS Laboratory Bordeaux)*, Rémi Giraud (Bordeaux INP), Hugo Germain (Apple), Guillaume Bourmaud (Université de Bordeaux) 15 min

Invited Speaker 2 (Celestine Mendler-Dünner) 13:30 - 14:30

Performativity in Machine Learning

Algorithmic predictions create expectations, inform decisions and steer consumption. As such, predictions used in societal systems not only describe the population they aim to predict, but they have the power to change it; a prevalent phenomenon often neglected in theories and practices of machine learning. In this talk, I will start by introducing the calculus of performative prediction, that conceptualizes this phenomenon by allowing the predictive model to influence the distribution over future data. This dynamic perspective on prediction elucidates new solution concepts, optimization challenges, and brings forth interesting connections to concepts from causality and game theory that I will discuss. Moreover, it allows us to articulate two mechanisms fundamental to prediction, learning and steering, making explicit the important role of power in prediction, and giving us a means to measure it. I will end my talk on a discussion of collective action as a strategy to resist the power of digital platforms.

Session 2 (Reconstruction, meshes and 3D) 14:30 - 16:00

Chair: Guillaume Caron

TitleAuthorsPresentation length
Évaluation sans référence de la qualité de maillages 3D par combinaison de prédictions sur projections 2D  Zaineb Ibork (UNICAEN)*, Anass Nouri (Univ Ibn Tofail, Kenitra), Olivier Lézoray (University of Caen Normandy), Christophe Charrier (University of Caen Normandy); Raja Touahni (Univ Ibn Tofail, Kenitra) 15 min
RNb-NeuS: Reflectance and Normal-based Multi-View 3D Reconstruction Robin Bruneau (University of Copenhagen)*, Baptiste Brument (University of Toulouse), Yvain Queau (CNRS), Jean Melou (IRIT), Francois Lauze (University of Copenhagen), Jean-Denis Durou (IRIT), Lilian Calvet (University of Zurich) 15 min
RING-NeRF : Rethinking Inductive Biases for Versatile and Efficient Neural Fields  Doriand Petit (CEA)*, Steve Bourgeois (CEA List), Dumitru S Pavel (Le CNAM), Vincent Gay-Bellile (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique), Florian Chabot (CEA), Loic Barthe (Université Toulouse 3 - IRIT) 15 min
BaRe-ESA: A Riemannian Framework for Unregistered Human Body Shapes Emery Pierson (LIX, Ecole Poytechnique)*, Emmanuel L Hartman (Florida State University), Martin Bauer (Florida State University), Nicolas Charon (Johns Hopkins University), Mohamed Daoudi (IMT Nord Europe) 15 min
EpiNeRF: epipolar-based feature attention for single-image novel view synthesis Gaétan Landreau (Meero-CEA), Mohamed Tamaazousti (CEA Saclay) 15 min
Toward Mesh-Invariant 3D Generative Deep Learning with Geometric Measures Thomas Besnier (Université de Lille); Sylvain Arguillere (Laboratoire Paul Painleve, Univ. Lille), Emery Pierson (LIX, Ecole Poytechnique), Mohamed Daoudi (IMT Nord Europe) 15 min

Session 3 (Image modelisation) 16:30 - 17:45

Chair: Camille Kurtz

TitleAuthorsPresentation length
How to Modify the Tree of Shapes of an Image: Connected Operators Without Gradient Inversion Julien Mendes Forte (GREYC), Nicolas Passat (Université Reims Champagne-Ardenne), Yukiko Kenmochi (CNRS) 15 min
Modélisation d’une version étendue du Radial Line Model pour prédire desrelations spatiales Logan Servant (Université Paris Cité)*, Laurent Wendling (Université de Paris), Camille Kurtz (Université Paris Cité) 15 min
Coarse-to-Fine Concept Bottleneck Models Konstantinos Panousis (INRIA), Dino Ienco (INRAE), Diego Marcos (Inria) 15 min
Detecting Out-Of-Distribution Earth Observation Images with Diffusion Models Georges Le Bellier (Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers)*, Nicolas Audebert (IGN) 15 min
Normalizing Flows with Task-specific Pre-training for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection on Engineering Structures Brice Marc (Cerema), Philippe Foucher (Cerema), Florence B.P. Forbes (Inria), Pierre Charbonnier (Cerema/ENDSUM) 15 min

Session Poster 1 17:45 - 19:30

New Algorithms For Multivalued Component-Trees Nicolas Passat (Université Reims Champagne-Ardenne)*; Romain B Perrin (ICube, CNRS, University of Strasbourg); Tianatahina Jimmy Francky Randrianasoa (EPITA Research Laboratory (LRE)); Camille Kurtz (Université Paris Cité); Benoit Naegel (ICube, CNRS, University of Strasbourg)
Combining Disentanglement Representation Learning and Pseudo-labelling for Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation Ananthu Aniraj (Inria)*, Cassio  F. Dantas (TETIS, INRAE, Univ Montpellier), Dino Ienco (INRAE), Diego Marcos (Inria)
3D sagittal otolith reconstruction from spherical Fourier descriptors Nicolas Andrialovanirina (Ifremer)*, Kélig Mahé (Ifremer), Remi Laffont (UMR CNRS Biogéosciences, Université de Bourgogne), Sebastien Couette (École Pratique des Hautes Études, PSL Université), Aurelie Mateos (Université d’Artois), Emilie Poisson Caillault (Univ. Littoral Côte d’Opale, LISIC)
Exploitation d’un capteur proche infrarouge (SWIR) pour la perception des robots mobiles en conditions météorologiques difficiles Alexandre Riffard (Institut Pascal), Mathieu Labussière (Institut Pascal), Pierre Duthon (Cerema), Romuald Aufrère (Institut Pascal)
Edition Multi-Pivots: Vers une Edition Multi-Directionnelle et Démêlée Neil Farmer (IETR, Chanel), Catherine Soladié (IETR), Gabriel Cazorla (Chanel), Renaud Séguier (IETR)
PDiscoFormer: Relaxing Part Discovery Constraints with Vision Transformers Ananthu Aniraj (Inria)*, Cassio  F. Dantas (TETIS, INRAE, Univ Montpellier), Dino Ienco (INRAE), Diego Marcos (Inria)
Segmentation 3D de cellules par prédiction de surfaces actives Quentin Rapilly (INRIA), Anaïs Badoual (Inria), Charles Kervrann (INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique)
Transfer learning and data fusion for forecasting ocean surface currents Pierre Garcia (Amphitrite), Théo Archambault (Sorbonne Université), Hannah Bull (Amphitrite), Anastase Charantonis (Sorbonne Université, ENSIIE), Dominique Béréziat (Sorbonne Université)
Leveraging Interactional Sociology for Trust Analysis in Multiparty Human-Robot Interaction Marc Hulcelle (Télécom Paris), Léo Hemamou (ICIMS), Giovanna  Varni (DISI, University of Trento), Nicolas Rollet (Télécom Paris), Chloe Clavel (Telecom Paris)
Appariement d’images d’oeuvres d’Art avec descriptions textuelles variées Lemaire Raphaëlle (GREYC), Alexis Lechervy (University of Caen), Youssef Chahir (GREYC, University of Caen Lower-Normandy )
Flux de normalisation conditionnels pour l'adaptation de domaine en imagerie satellite Georges Le Bellier (Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers), Nicolas Audebert (IGN)
Évaluation de méthodes de détection d’anomalies non supervisée pour l’auscultation des ouvrages d’art Brice Marc (Cerema), Philippe Foucher (Cerema), Florence B.P. Forbes (Inria), Pierre Charbonnier (Cerema/ENDSUM)
Estimation of Mechanical Properties of Rocks by Analysis of 3D Images Van Thao Nguyen (IFPEN)*, Dominique Fourer (IBISC - Univ. Evry/Paris-Saclay), Désiré Sidibé (Université Paris Saclay), Jean-François  Lecomte (IFPEN), Souhail Youssef (IFPEN)
Generating 3D complexe clay microstructure using Denoising Diffusion probabilistic models Ali Aouf (SCK CEN), Christophe De Vleeschouwer (Université Catholique de Louvain), Eric Laloy (SCK CEN), Bart Rogiers (SCK CEN)
Caractérisation de l’émergence des plis du cortex cérébral in utero : apport de l’analyse par bandes de fréquences Anne Kerachni (IMT Atlantique)



Prix de Thèse SSFAM/AFRIF (TBA) 9:00 - 10:15

Joint Session with CAp 1 10:45 - 12:00

Chair: Deise Santana Maia

TitleAuthorsPresentation length
Random matrix analysis to balance between supervised and unsupervised learning under the low density separation assumption Vasilii Feofanov, Malik Tiomoko, Aladin Virmaux 15 min
Find the Lady: Permutation and Re-Synchronization of Deep Neural Networks Carl De Sousa Trias, Mihai Mitrea, Attilio Fiandrotti, Marco Cagnazzo, sumanta chaudhuri, Enzo Tartaglione 15 min
Inverse problem regularization with hierarchical variational autoencoders Jean Prost, Antoine Houdard, Andres Almansa, Nicolas Papadakis 15 min
Sequential Representation Learning via static-dynamic Conditional Disentanglement Mathieu Cyrille Simon, Pascal Frossard, Christophe De Vleeschouwer 15 min


Invited Speaker 3 (Matthieu Cord) 13:30 - 14:30

Vision and Language with transformers


Since the seminal publication on transformers in Natural Langage Processing, the Computer Vision community has rapidly adopted and adapted this model to a multitude of vision tasks. In this seminar, I will trace these major developments, starting with image classification. I will then explore various extensions, such as object detection, image segmentation and captioning. In particular, this will enable us to illustrate how transformers have revolutionized the modeling of Vision and Language relationships.

Session 4 (Biomedical imaging) 14:30 - 16:00

Chair: François Rousseau

TitleAuthorsPresentation length
Prédiction précoce de la transférabilité d'embryons bovins par vidéomicroscopie Yasmine Hachani (INRIA)*; Patrick Bouthemy (INRIA); Sylvie Ruffini (Inrae); Ludivine Laffont (INRAE unité PRC équipe ICF); Elisa Fromont (Université Rennes 1, IRISA/INRIA rba); Alline de Paula Reis (Ecole nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort) 15 min
Exploring the emergence of morphological asymmetries around the brain’s Sylvian fissure: a longitudinal study of shape variability in preterm infants Heloise de Vareilles (University of Cambridge)*; Denis Rivière (Neurospin, CEA Saclay); Marco Pascucci (Neurospin, CEA Saclay); Zhong-Yi Sun (Neurospin, CEA Saclay); Clara Fischer (Neurospin, CEA Saclay); François Leroy (Neurospin, CEA Saclay); Maria-Luisa Tataranno (UMC Utrecht); Manon Benders (UMC Utrecht); Jessica Dubois (Neurospin, CEA Saclay); J.F. Mangin (I2BM) 15 min
3D MRI Synthesis with Slice-Based Latent Diffusion Models: Improving Tumor Segmentation Tasks in Data-Scarce Regimes Aghiles Kebaili (Université de Rouen)*; Jérôme Lapuyade-Lahorgue (LITIS-Quantif); Pierre VERA (CHB); Su Ruan (Laboratoire LITIS) 15 min
Validation de méthodes de segmentation de lésions de type AVC à partir d’IRM pédiatriques : transférabilité de modèles d’apprentissage profond Emma Lhermitte (Univeristé de Bretagne Occidentale)* 15 min
 3D Complex-valued Convolutional Network for Fast Ultrasound Diverging Wave Imaging Ahmed Bentaleb (IMT Atlantique)*; Christophe SINTES (IMT Atlantique); Chafiaa Hamitouche (IMT Atlantique) 15 min
Segmentation automatisée de structures cérébrales profondes à partir d’IRMs à Inversion-Récupération Aigerim Dautkulova (Université Clermont Auvergne)*; Omar Ait-Aider (Université Clermont Auvergne); Céline Teulière (Université Clermont Auvergne - Institut Pascal); Jérôme Coste (Université Clermont Auvergne); Remi Chaix (Université Clermont Auvergne); Omar Ouachikh ( Université Clermont Auvergne); Bruno Pereira (Direction de la Recherche et de l’Innovation, CHU Clermont-Ferrand); Jean Jacques Lemaire (Université Clermont Auvergne) 15 min

Session 5 (Image modeling, processing and analysis) 16:30 - 17:45

Chair: Nicolas Passat

TitleAuthorsPresentation length
Le transfert de fond de teint n'est pas qu'une copie de couleur Neil Farmer (IETR, Chanel) , Catherine Soladié (IETR) , Gabriel Cazorla (Chanel) , Renaud Séguier (IETR) 15 min
MGRFormer: A Multimodal Transformer Approach for Surgical Gesture Recognition Kevin Feghoul (University of Lille)*; Deise Santana Maia (Université de Lille); Mehdi El Amrani (CHU of Lille); Mohamed Daoudi (IMT Nord Europe); Ali Amad (University of Lille) 15 min
Universal Robustness via Median Randomized Smoothing for Real-World Super-Resolution Zakariya Chaouai (Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission)* 15 min
Restyling unsupervised concept based interpretable networks with generative models Jayneel Parekh (ISIR, Sorbonne Université)*; Quentin Bouniot (Telecom Paris); Pavlo Mozharovskyi (Telecom Paris); Alasdair Newson; Florence d'Alché-Buc (Télécom Paris) 15 min
Recalage basé sur l’intersection de coupes orthogonales (ROSI) pour l’estimation du mouvement en IRM cérébrale fœtale Chloé Mercier (IMT Atlantique)* 15 min

Assemblée Générale 17:45 - 18:30

Session Poster 2 18:30 - 19:30

 Red mullet stock identification without any reference using otolith shape  Nicolas Andrialovanirina (Ifremer)*; Emilie Poisson Caillault (Univ. Littoral Côte d’Opale, UR 4491, LISIC); Kélig Mahé (Ifremer)
 Evaluating the Impact of Perceptually Uniform Encoding on the Performance of Feature Descriptors for HDR Image Retrieval  Raoua Khwildi (National Engineering School of Tunis)*; Azza OULED ZAID (SysCom Laboratory)
 Détecter et identifier les oiseaux de France métropolitaine pour mieux prévenir les collisions aviaires dans les aéroports  Guillaume TESTUD (Université Gustave Eiffel)*; Sylvain Moulherat (OïkoLab, TerrOïko); Jean-Philippe G Tarel (G. Eiffel University, France)
 Stéréophotométrie avec estimation locale de l’éclairage - Application à la reconstruction 3D du patrimoine archéologique  Benjamin Coupry (IRIT); Jean Melou (IRIT)*; Antoine Laurent (IRIT); Baptiste Brument (University of Toulouse); Pierre Gurdjos (CNRS); Yvain Queau (CNRS); Jean-Denis Durou (IRIT)
 Prévision des ressources en eau à partir de séries temporelles d'images satellitaires à l'aide d'un réseau de neurones pour graphes  Corentin Dufourg (Univ. Bretagne Sud / IRISA)*; Charlotte Pelletier (Université de Bretagne du Sud); Stéphane May (CNES); Sebastien Lefevre (Université Bretagne Sud, France)
 Recherche de patterns dans les images de documents historiques  Joseph Assaker (University of Rouen Normandy)*; Laurent Heutte; Stephane Nicolas (University of Rouen Normandy)
 Apprentissage contrastif multi-modal : Du pré-entrainement auto-supervisé à la classification supervisée  Paul Berg (IRISA)*; Minh-Tan Pham (IRISA-UBS); Nicolas Courty (IRISA, Universite Bretagne-Sud)
 Intégration des relations de composition / décomposition pour la segmentation d'objets en considérant les sous-parties et une classification hiérarchique  Christophe Pantel (IRIT)*; Sylvie Chambon (IRIT)
 Don't drop your samples! Coherence-aware training benefits Conditional diffusion  Nicolas Dufour (ENPC); victor besnier (valeo); Vicky Kalogeiton (Ecole Polytechnique, IP Paris); David Picard (ENPC)*



Invited Speaker 4 (Xavier Alameda-Pineda) 9:00 - 10:00

Learning for Companion Robots: Preparation and Adaptation


Companion and social robots are a chimeric mirage. On the one side, they are part of our collective representation of ready-to-deploy technological developments. On the other side, there are a series of scientific and technological barriers to such deployment. One of the scientific challenges is the difficulty of such robots to successfully perform in the wide variety of environments and social situations they need to face. In this talk, a series of works developed at the RobotLearn team at Inria at Univ. Grenoble Alpes will be presented, all aligned with the philosophy of developing learning strategies that would allow a social/companion robotic platform to quickly adapt its perception and action models to unseen situations. Applications such as multi-person tracking, audio-visual speech modeling, and navigation policies will be discussed.

Joint Session with CAp 2 10:30 - 12:00


TitleAuthorsPresentation length
NECO: NEural Collapse Based Out-of-distribution detection Mouïn Ben Ammar, Nacim Belkhir, Sebastian Popescu, Antoine Manzanera, Gianni Franchi 15 min
Mining bias-target Alignment from Voronoi Cells Remi Nahon, Van-Tam Nguyen, Enzo Tartaglione

15 min

Perceptual Scales Predicted by Fisher Information Metrics

Jonathan Vacher, Pascal Mamassian

15 min

Collaborating Foundation Models for Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation

Yasser Benigmim, Subhankar Roy, Slim Essid, Vicky Kalogeiton, Stéphane Lathuilière

15 min


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